Check out the full article in our INSPIRE 2022 issue out now! It takes on the concerns we face with our eyebrows like over tweezing, thinning and more! That said, we're going to give you a sneak peak into part of it now.
No two of us are alike, but there are some suggestions based on our face's shape that might help you prefect your brow look. For a rounder face, a higher arch might be best for you. Diamond or heart shaped faces should try a rounder brow look. Oval gals might find their best brows have a slight arch, but nothing too dramatic, while our squared face sisters may find a slightly more angled brow suits them best.
And, when it comes to thin or bushy brows...you decide, not anyone else. Eyebrows are tricky and the thinning and coloring that can take place as we age can seem daunting. Daunting until you take a bit of time to play with colors and products.

Our partners at Eyeembrace.com have stepped into the arena of beauty by creating products specifically for gray haired women. Stop using harsh blacks and browns, when you can find yourself matching colors closer to your natural brows and silvers with ease.
Numerous shades and products to work with from a business that empowers women to define their own beauty. Those are the partners we love to support and share!
Eyebrows are like pesky little sisters...they drive you bonkers, yet somehow you figure out how to live with them because they aren't going anywhere!
We'd love to hear your thoughts on finding the right eyebrow for you. How have you figured out your best eyebrows?
I've been silver for 2.5 years and my sparse eyebrows still remain a source of frustration for me. My eyebrows are eyebrow serum-resistant, I tried 3 brands without success. Eyebrow pencils have been my "go-to" fix, but I'm still on the hunt for the best shade and type of pencil. I tried 2 of the lighter shades of Eye Embrace pencils, both were noticeably too dark. My current pencil shade is "univeral", an automatic eyebrow pencil. Am I the only one who has difficulty with the rounding of the tip on automatic pencils? The tip makes it difficult to draw an outline and make short fill-in strokes.